Sonnet 106 – When in the Chronicle of Wasted Time Summary by William Shakespeare

Introduction This sonnet composed by William Shakespeare is about the beauty of his beloved. In this poem, the poet says that during the old times, people used to write about beauty. That beauty did not exist in those days and thus what they wrote was rather foreshadowing of poet’s beloved. In other words, the beautiful … Read more

Sonnet 18 Summary by Shakespeare

Introduction Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day by William Shakespeare is a love sonnet in which the poet compares his beloved with summer (season of the year) and explains how his beloved is more beautiful and lovely than the summer?   In the first part of the poem, the poet discusses the shortcomings … Read more

5 Characteristics of Shakespearean Comedy

Introduction Apart from histories and tragedies, comedies were the three main forms that Shakespeare wrote. Comedy of present-day is quite different from a Shakespearean comedy which had humor, light-hearted play some immensely gripping drama. Characteristically it has marriage as a happy ending. Every Shakespearean comedy has a range of human emotions and experiences from joy … Read more

Shakespearean Sonnet Themes

Shakespeare has written sonnets mostly on conventional topics such as love and beauty, time and mutability. He treats these themes in his own distinctive fashion like addressing the poem on love and praise on a young man rather than a maiden and by including the second subject of passion a woman not so attractive and … Read more

Shakespearean Drama Features

Introduction Shakespeare is known as the ‘Father of English Drama’. He is known as England’s national poet, and the “Bard of Avon”. His works, including collaborations, consist of 38 plays,154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and some other verses, some of the uncertain authorship. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often … Read more

King Lear Short Summary

Read this article to know about King Lear Short Summary by Shakespeare. King Lear Short Summary King Lear of Britain, being aged, comes to a decision to retire from the kingship and as a consequence divides his realm amongst his three daughters, and publicises he goes to offer the largest percentage to the most effective … Read more

A Midsummer Night Dream Short Summary

Preparation for Wedding Theseus, the Duke of Athens, is preparing for the wedding with Hippolyta, whom he has won in a battle. Egeus enters along with his daughter Hermia, Lysander (whom she loves) and Demetrius (whom Egeus wants to marry his daughter). Egeus asks Theseus to make his daughter agree to marry Demetrius and if … Read more

Julius Caesar Theme Essay

A Political Play This play concentrates mainly on political aspects of society. Every nation has a certain type of government which it deserves. The type of government doesn’t change the death or murder of the ruler. In the play, Julius Caesar, we see that the subjects treat the ruler as God & have no issues. … Read more