A House, A Home Poem Class 6 JKBOSE Summary, Notes & Explanation in English


A House, A Home is a 2 stanza poem in which the poet talks about the difference between a house and a home. For him, a house is just a lifeless structure with no emotions. On the other hand, a home is place full of life. It has a loving family which keeps working selflessly for others.



[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29hybwafnyc&w=560&h=315]

Part 1

What is a house?
Itโ€™s brick and stone
and wood thatโ€™s hard.
Some window glass
and perhaps a yard.
Itโ€™s eaves and chimneys
and tile floors
and stucco and roof
and lots of doors.

In the first stanza, the poet asks what is house. And then answers himself by saying that it is a structure made of bricks, stones and wood. These three things are hard. A house may have a window glass or even a yard. It can have eaves (part of roof that meets walls), chimneys, tile floors, stucco (plaster), roof and many doors.

In other words, a house is just a big structure with many hard as well as beautiful things but without any life, emotion or love.

Part 2

What is a home?
Itโ€™s loving and family
and doing for others.
Itโ€™s brothers and sisters
and fathers and mothers.
Itโ€™s unselfish acts
and kindly sharing
and showing your loved ones
youโ€™re always caring.

In this stanza, the poet now talks about a home. He asks what is a home. And then answers himself by saying that a home has a lot of love and a family which works for each other. A house has brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers i.e. a whole family among which there is ample of love and unity.

A home is a family which does everything for each other without any selfish reasons. They share love and kindness and show each other that they care for all.

So, the poem is about love, kindness, selflessness and unity among the family members.

Further Reading

  1. Play quiz on the poem A House, A Home
  2. Questions-Answers of A House, A Home