100 Words Essay on Cybercrime in English

Cybercrime is a crime involving a computer or computer network. In today’s world there are a lot of cases due to cyber crimes. Examples of cyber crimes are committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy. The UK and USA have disproportionately more victims of cyber crime. The USA had 759% more victims in 2021 than the next-highest country, Canada. Cybercrime has also been studied as one of the most profitable businesses. Some of the basic cyber crimes are stolen credit card information, hacking into a government website, loss of control and access to content, etc. cyber crime has been one of the root causes for online bullying and harassments even amongst kids and teenagers. In this jet age, a lot of kids have access to phone and internet, resulting to this problem.  With result to this, it has caused a lot of cases in suicide as well. The government of India has also taken quite some initiatives to help the citizens with this very matter and therefore, introduced a public cyber crime helpline. The number is 1930. Based on the researches, it has been found that in 2019, people ended up losing ?71.27 crore to online frauds and the amount touched over ?363 crore in 2022. Among the districts and cities, Bengaluru tops the list.