10 Lines Essay on Manipur Dance in English for Students

  1. Manipuri is the classical dance of Manipur.
  2. The state is located in north east India.ย 
  3. Its themes are devotional and are performed on religious occasions and in temples throughout the area.ย 
  4. It is also referred to as โ€œsankirtanโ€.
  5. The term Manipuri actually covers a number of dance forms from the region.
  6. It is also called as theย Manipuri raas leela.
  7. Nupa pala, Thang ta, Lai haraoba are the few forms of manipuri dance.
  8. Its dancers make rounded movements and avoid any jerks, sharp edges or straight lines.ย 
  9. It gives themย undulating and soft appearance.
  10. It improves proper body control and peace of mind.