10 Lines Essay on Majhi Shala in English for Students

  1. Majhi Shala is a Hindi term for my school.
  2. My school is a very fun place to be in.
  3. There are alot of friends and people whom I can learn with and aboutย 
  4. My school has the best learning atmosphere.
  5. It is pleasant to be in and absolutely fun to learn.
  6. My school teaches me things that would be helpful in real life affairs.
  7. It teaches me not just text books but also opens doors for many other activities.
  8. My school employs the best teachers who are fun, caring, kind, open minded and loving.
  9. My school also provides free counselling sessions as well especially for students who are struggling to cope up with studies or having family problems.
  10. ย My school promotes reading. The library is big and has a lot of updated books which are educational and fun to read.