Write A Letter To Your Friend Abroad Describing A Recent Special Family Event In English

House No 13
Kennington Street
London, UK


Dear Varun,

How are you? How is the climate in London? It is reported that it is very cold there. I hope to meet you soon. Recently, I attended a family event. It was organised by my uncle to celebrate his upcoming retirement from work. He is retiring from the state police force. He made a speech about his experience at work over the past year.

Most of the close family members were present. As usual, many of them saw me and threw their commands at my body, having worries about how my studies are going and so on. I was deeply irritated when one uncle came to me and said, โ€œOh, you have got fat!โ€ As I was at the event, I was surprised to see Kiran.

Do you remember Kiran? We all used to go to violin class together. We chatted for a while. He asked about you. Do you mind if I give him your address?

Bye and take care

Your friend

Nisha F