Short Speech on Traffic Rule in English for Students and Children

3 Minute Speech on Traffic Rule for School and College Students

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear classmates. A wonderful morning to all of you. Today we all have gathered here to celebrate this day, I would like to speak a few words on โ€“ โ€˜Traffic Ruleโ€™.

We all know that traffic rules provide systematic and controlled measures that a person needs to take on the road for safety reaching his or her destination.

Road safety is very important and there are some prime traffic rules that need to be followed. Let me remind you of some on this occasion as you all are responsible citizens of our country, and believes in safety first:

We should not apply brakes all of a sudden. Applying breaks all of a sudden leads to an abrupt stops. As vehicle can get a jerk which often leads to an injury.

A helmet plays a greater role in avoiding any kind of head injury during a ride on a scooter, bike or any two-wheeler. The relaxation is only provided to Sikhs as they wear turbans as their religious symbol.

Using the horn carefully is another important thing. We should not underuse or overuse it. Overusing can lead to noise pollution so use it whenever it is necessary.

We should always follow the police officersโ€™ directions and traffic signals. We should not risk our lives by working against them. Thus, we must follow the same.

Traffic rules are made for the protection of the drivers. The driving tests are also conducted keeping in mind the same purpose. Knowledge of traffic signs is also necessary.

Responsible driving is very important and hence there is a need to inculcate healthy habits too. There is a need to give up drinking as drinking and driving is risky and considered as a crime.

In the end, I would request you to be a responsible driver and a citizen too for the sake of our own safety and other people on the road.

Thank you for listening to me so patiently.