Other Characters

Mrs. Pearce

She is the caretaker who offers Higgins and Eliza a place to stay. She is conservative and questions the nature of the arrangement between Eliza and the two gentlemen (Higgins and Pickering). She is very protective of Eliza and helps her to settle and prosper under Higgins’ training.


He is a simple man who is controlled by his mother and dominant sister Clara. He falls in love with Eliza when he sees her at Mrs. Higgins’ place. In the end, he manages to convince Eliza to marry him and they end up opening up their flower shop to build a life together.

Colonel Pickering

Pickering is a military man who loves to travel and learn about new cultures. His work in India and its culture has brought him great fame and success. He is also adventurous and tempts Higgins to do a social experiment by grooming Eliza in the ways of the high-class society.

He evens finances the whole process. However, he is more compassionate and self-reflective than Higgins. He accepts his mistakes and earns forgiveness from Eliza. In the end, his intention behind the experiment is genuine and he really desires for Eliza to completely transform her life for the better.