Essay on Spread of Islam in Kashmir

INTRODUCTION Islam is essentially a missionary religion and the Muslim missionary, be he a Pir (spiritual guide) or a preacher, carries with him the message of Islam to the people of land he enters Islam was introduced in the Valley of Kashmir not by conquests but by gradual conversions affected by Muslim Missionaries. The history … Read more

Short Essay on Simon Commission

INTRODUCTION The national rise during the Non-cooperation Movement came to a halt during the Chauri Chaura Incident. It was in 1927 again that there was the resumption of national movement centering round the appointment of Simon Commission. In fact, the British Government in 1927 announced that a commission would go through the question of granting … Read more

Short Essay on Quit India Movement

BACKGROUND Amidst World War-II, on 8th August 1940, the British Government announced ‘Dominion Status’ to India through its famous ‘August Offer’ which was rejected by the Indians. The Cripps Mission of 1942 was another step ahead which suggested full ‘Dominion Status’ and also right to part from the British Commonwealth Nations. Thus proposal was rejected … Read more

Essay on Non-Cooperation Movement

INTRODUCTION The ‘Indian Experiment’ or ‘Non Cooperation Movement’ of 1920-22 was undertaken by Indian National Congress under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi believed that the Government of India functioned on the basis of cooperation of Indians. Moreover it was the duty of government to pay heed to the demands of the people. But … Read more

Essay on Nehru Report-Main Points

The Government of India Act 1919 was essentially transitional in character. Under Section 84 of the said Act, a statutory Commission was to be appointed at the end of 10 years to determine the next stage in the realization of self-rule in India. Accordingly, the Simon Commission was sent to the sub-continent under the command … Read more

Explain Jinnah’s 14 points

While the Nehru Report was passed by the majority of the votes, Jinnah was opposed to it and made a ‘desperate attempt’ at the unity in December 1922 session of All India Conference in Calcutta. The Hindu Mahasabha leader M.R. Jayakar, simply brushed aside all calls for compromise. Jinnah then walked out and joined the … Read more

Cripps Mission Notes

INTRODUCTION World War-II began in 1939. In war, Na zi Germany and Fascist Italy combined against France, Britain and their allies. With the outbreak of hostilities, Britain made India as a party to it, declaring India to be a country at war. Britain made such a declaration unilaterally in utter disregard to the Indian Public … Read more

Social Legislations in India

Till 1813 A.D. British authorities also followed a policy of non-interference in the religious, social and cultural life of the country. But after 1813 A.D. they took active steps to transform Indian society and culture. The official British efforts at reforming Indian society of its abuses were on the whole meagre and therefore bore little … Read more

Consequences of Revolt of 1857 in India

Following were the main consequences of Revolt of 1857: A.     THE DIRECT CONSEQUENCES The direct effects of the Revolt of 1857 may be summed as follows: The Revolt of 1857 exposed the danger involved in allowing a commercial organisation to rule over a country. Thus British government passed Government of India Act 1858 on August … Read more

Revolt of 1857-Causes

INTRODUCTION The Revolt OF 1857 has been marked as the “watershed” or “the great divide” in the history of British India. It is regarded as “India’s 1st War of Independence” against the British Rule. It was the most remarkable single event in the history of India after the establishment of British Rule. This Revolt was … Read more