5 Minute Speech on India of my Dreams in English for Students

The India of my dreams is a place that is filled with people in love, peace and harmony. I see India to be a place where its great history is taken to its most significance and honour. A place home and safe for everyone. A place with open arms. A haven for its people. The India of my dreams is a picture of people with broad, positive and most importantly humble mindsets. I believe that it starts with the people who make the society where great changes can start. Therefore the India of my dreams as I picture, starts with the greatest impact on the people and by the people.ย  It is filled with a society that has no racist nature but rather a spirit that sees equality in all despite its race. I see a land with people who give utmost importance to nature. The India of my dreams is a place where knowledge and wisdom are bountiful. A place that respects all genders and a place that has unity amongst their people in all affairs.ย