3 Writing Tools that Help Students Write Assignments!

The recent pandemic has left a big blow on the world. It has affected everything from businesses to educational institutes. As you know, most of the education has shifted to online education. If you are one of the students going through this hard time, you’re in luck. Assignments have been shifted to digital, and you have to do them mostly on an MS-Word or similar applications.

Assignments are a vital part of your education as almost 40% of your marks depend on them. Assignments can make your grade better, and if not done right, they can also prove to be fatal for your grades. Writing a good assignment can be hectic and stressful because of the early deadlines.

The internet has made this world an easy place for everyone. Students can effectively use the tools technology has presented them with. Countless tools on the internet can help you write a remarkable assignment that will surely get you a star on your paper. 

Let us look into the most needed tools to write any assignment.

Plagiarism Checker

You always hear teachers telling you that the assignment should not be plagiarized. Most students don’t know what it means or how it works. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work which is unethical and illegal. If you have completely written a file and are not sure if it’s plagiarized or not, the copyrights checker is the perfect tool. Let us look into a tool that is 100% free to use for anyone. 


SearchEngineReports gives you a free plagiarism checker that helps you highlight the lines that have been copied from someone else’s work. The online plagiarism tool gives you results out of 100%, telling you how much of your work is and how much of it is copied. All you need to do is follow the easy steps given below.

  1. Visit searchenginereports.net.
  2. Select the plagiarism tool located on the top of the site.
  3. Upload your file or directly paste your text.
  4. Select the check option.
  5. Sit back and relax.

Within a few seconds, the plagiarism checker is going to double-check your content using online libraries. The results are accurate, and you get a 1500 word limit which is more than enough.

English Summary Plagiarism Checker

English Summary’s Plagiarism Checker is another awesome tool for checking plagiarism or duplicate content in a piece of text.

  1. Go to Plagiarism Checker
  2. Paste the text and hit Check.
  3. The tool will give you detailed report of your content.

Grammar Checker

Be it writing an assignment or even a text message, grammar is important. Grammar is everything from a “period” to a spelling error. Good grammar shows a good work ethic and is always easier for the teachers to read. Good grammar also gets you extra credit. Let us look into a tool that provides you with a grammar checker.

English Summary’s Grammar Checker is an amazing platform for anyone to double-check their grammar. It provides you with grammar suggestions such as spelling mistakes, punctuation, sentence structures, tenses correction, etc. All you have to do is follow the following steps.

  1. Go to Grammar Checker.
  2. Paste the text.
  3. Select the level of checking (including knowledge about readers).
  4. Then let the tool do its work.

It will highlight the suggestions on the right side of the screen. You can correct them one by one, and you will be good to go. This tool is also free to use for everyone and is super easy, so you won’t face any difficulty using it. Good grammar is always going to get you in the top rankings.

Paraphrasing tools

Suppose you have written an essay or an article for your assignment and don’t like the sentences. Do not worry, as you have a paraphrasing tool to help you with this problem. A paraphrasing tool helps you rewrite your document by changing lines, adding better vocabulary, and changing the length. The context never changes, so don’t worry about that. Let us look into a tool for this purpose.

Paraphrasing Tool.ai

Paraphrasingtool.ai has GPTNeo powered paraphrasing tool. It comes with the “5 Writing Problems One Solution” slogan to assist writers in writing content. However, it has free and premium versions. The free version does not include advanced features such as 10,000 words limit for rephrasing and generating 1000 words long AI content. On the other hand, we recommend buying premium only if you need extra words to rewrite. if you are a beginner and looking for a tool that can rephrase the content, this tool should be on your preference list.

English Summary’s Article Rewriter

This tool is one of the easiest paraphrasing tools on the internet that you can use to help yourself. This tool swings around your sentences, making them better without messing up your context. All you have to do is follow the given steps.

  1. Visit Article Rewriter
  2. Paste the Text and hit Generate
  3. In the new box, click any word and the tool will show you most related synonyms. Click any of them and it will be changed.
  4. Try changing at least 2-3 words in each sentence.
  5. Once done, click “Copy Text”

The AI technology used in this tool is amazing and will help you with your work. The result also highlights the words that can be changed using synonyms. This tool is also free to use for anyone and is user-friendly.


Using the various tools provided to us by the internet is our right, and we should take full advantage of it. Copying and pasting something off the internet isn’t ethical and won’t help you learn in any way possible. Make sure to always work with good dedication and to use these tools to make your assignment next to perfect.