My Country India Paragraph

We live in one of the most hueful and energetic places in the world called India. It has a unique admixture of ancient beliefs, practices as well as modern values and technology. It has more than 1.3 billion people, second only to China nation and is still growing. Economically, India is one of the fastest-growing in the world.

These traits make our country one of the most significant geopolitical actor and global voice. But even before we note all these facts there is something even more magical of our people and their diversity. India is home to vivid faiths and linguistic groups.

Over its rich history, it has accommodated civilizations from across Asia belonging to Muslim, Hindu, Jain and Buddhist rulers. In fact, it was the birthplace of four different religions-

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Due to its colonial subversion, it has had a great influence on British Protestantism and Catholicism as well. There also several primitive and primordial tribes living in various parts of the country that adds to its colourful fabric.

The polity of the country is governed by a written document called the Constitution which makes it a commitment on the behalf of its citizens to make India into a secular democracy. The citizens and noncitizens are guaranteed certain fundamental rights while citizens are also provided with certain legal rights to land, occupation etc.

It has a large tract under the desert in the western portion of the country while the central portion is decorated with plateaus and various highlands. The southern peninsular section is older geologically while the northern plains and mountain ranges are young and dynamic.

The country is rich in terms of river systems and climatic rainfall. The overall temperature is tropical with certain differences in specific areas like Himalayan Mountains, Andaman Island group, Sunderbans etc.

It has a large tract under the desert in the western portion of the country while the central portion is decorated with plateaus and various highlands. The southern peninsular section is older geologically while the northern plains and mountain ranges are young and dynamic.

Due to its united and colourful composition, Indian society and its people are subjected to divisive forces and disunity in terms of language, culture and religion. However, the country and its people have always defied those opposing forces and celebrated their unique amalgamation. This undying spirit of unison and solidarity is what makes India a shining example for every other democratic nation.