Important Questions

What is the main idea of The Story of an Hour?

The main idea of โ€œThe Story of An Hourโ€ is freedom and its importance for an individual. Louise Mallard is happily married and has a very loving husband. However, she does not have freedom which she only gets after she comes to know that her husband is dead. And when he turns out to be alive, she dies of grief.

What is the message of The Story of an Hour?

The message of The Story of an Hour is that freedom is the basic and fundamental right of every individual on earth. Gender should not be a reason to prohibit a person from freedom.

What happens at the end of the story The Story of an Hour?

In the end, the husband comes back home alive. However, his wife dies out of grief and despair.

Why does Mrs Mallard die at the end of the story?

She dies at the end of the story because of the grief of losing freedom which she got some time before. The fear of getting back to restrictions shocks her and she dies.

Why was Mrs. Mallard happy her husband died?

Mrs Mallard was happy because she tasted freedom and liberty for the first time since her marriage. She thought that her married life was enjoyable. However, when she tasted freedom, she found it much better. This is why she was happy at her husbandโ€™s death.

Did Mrs Mallard love her husband?

Yes, she loved her husband. She was a loving and caring wife. However, she was also subjected to domestic slavery and restrictions which she finds gone after coming to know about the death of her husband.

What are the major conflicts in The Story of An Hour?

The major conflict is the role of institution of marriage. Mrs. Mallard is not happy with her husband though she pretends to be. She is even not aware of it. Because of marriage, she is subjected to restrictions and domestic slavery. She lacks freedom. She is quite pleased after coming to know that her husband has died. It also shows the condition of woman in the American society at the time the author has written this short story.

What is the irony in the story of an hour?

There are a lot of ironies in the story. First, when Louiseโ€™s husband dies, she feels happy instead of sorrowful. And when he comes back alive, she is devasted and dies out of despair instead of getting happy.

What does โ€œThe Joy That Killsโ€ mean?

The phrase โ€œThe Joy That Killsโ€ means that Mrs. Mallard is not free and thus not happy with her married life. The freedom which she gets for a brief time is lost as soon as her husband comes home.

Why is Mrs. Mallard death an example of situational irony?

Situational Irony occurs when something happens which is totally different from what is expected. Mrs. Mallard is a good example of situational irony because she feels happy and joyful after coming to know that her husband has died (instead of weeping and mourning). However, as soon as he comes back alive, she dies out of sorrow and despair (though she was supposed to be happy).