The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin

The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin is a short story written on April 19, 1894. According to Wikipedia, it was initially published as The Dream of an Hour.

We will discuss the title later on. The story of The Story of An Hour revolves around Louise Mallard who is a loving and caring wife. She comes to know that her husband has died in a bus accident (a rumor).

Initially, she weeps a lot but soon feels a kind of freedom and liberty. It seems to her as if she has come out of slavery. But soon her husband returns. Seeing him on the door, she dies.

People think that she died because of happiness (on seeing his husband). However, the truth is that she was shocked to see him and feared that her freedom will again be taken away.

In this course, we will discuss the summary, analysis, characters, symbolism, setting, and irony. The story has a lot of ironies which we will find while reading the summary and analysis in detail.