5 Minute Speech on Importance of Books in English for Students

Books can play a very important role in anyone’s life. A person who reads a lot of books is able to have better speaking, better vocabulary, and better writing. It helps a person in many affairs of thought processing as well. With gadgets and the world of digital taking over the world of today, it is important to never lose the habit of reading. Parents and teachers should try and put this habit of reading into a child. Reading itself goes a long way in life. It is very important to have a good choice of books. This can alter the mindset of a person greatly. It promotes imagination and a person’s ability to enhance speech. It plays a big role in promoting concentration. Reading a book increases general knowledge greatly. It is a practical hobby as well which will serve one well in the future. There are so many books of today of different kinds so it is very important to know the type of books that will be good for mental growth and mindset. It broadens a person’s view as well. If we take a good deep thought and a peep at the children of today, we see that everything is dependent on AI (artificial intelligence) which is making the students very dependent which again in turn is affecting their creativity and imagination greatly. We should try and promote the importance of reading in schools and colleges and even with the nursery students.