5 Minute Speech on Digital India in English for Students

Digital media is a program that was initiated by the government in India to improve India digitally so that it would empower education, life and society. This began in the year 2015. The establishment of this brought about a lot of changes in the working of the country. Education in itself is improving a lot. With the coming of this education has been brought into great significance through e-education. This has also paved the way for people who are unable to go to school to learn. The communication between the government and Inis is closer. There are still a lot of improvements that are needed in the working of this program. However, the changes that are seen with the coming of this program are positive. This also greatly helped the economy of India. There are more job openings, people are open to various activities and ideas, and more productivity and brought a huge rise in many small businesses of varied kinds. It opened various pathways for young Indians in their start up which became very successful. This is important knowledge and should inspire a lot of people, especially students. The World of today is so digitalised. Everything runs digitally. Therefore India also took its step which gave a good lift to the society of India in the majority of the fields. The biggest improvements are seen in education and businesses.ย