2 Minute Speech On Media And Society In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about the media and society. The adaptability of communication and information exchange methods is one of the most significant features of contemporary civilization.

The globe has significantly reduced as a result of these technologies and human imagination, making interactions across other cultures easier and quicker. Societies have grown as a consequence of the dissemination of information and ideas made possible by such inventions.

With the aid of technology, the information revolutionโ€”which had its modest beginnings with Gutenbergโ€™s invention of printing in the fifteenth centuryโ€”has now progressed into the era of satellite communications and computer networking. Through the print media, which dominated mass communication until the turn of the 20th century, the first step in information transmission and mass communication was made.

Since they entered the social scene, peopleโ€™s behavior and way of thinking have undergone significant change. If the print media had not supported Indiaโ€™s liberation cause, it will be intriguing to ponder how Gandhiji would have managed to attain the success and popularity he did.

The potential for expansion of the audio-visual media, represented by radio and television, is far greater than that of the print media. Since the public relies on the media to interpret events and form personal judgments, it is simple for anybody with the means to manipulate the media to deceive the public. Therefore, all media are both useful and harmful. However, it is impossible to downplay or minimize the influence of the media on society. Thank you.ย