100-300 Words Paragraph On Air Pollution In English

Air pollution is simply a minor reduction in air quality. The air quality deteriorates due to the entry of solid, liquid, and gas particles. This surprising effect on the air is caused by the presence of oxide, hydrocarbon, and other harmful gases. Pollution can be classified based on the frequency with which it kills the natural effect.

Yet, it has been shown that many pollutants enter the air with natural resources. There is no participation from outside sources. This contaminant includes dust, sea salt, volcanic ash, and gases. As a result, there is no need to focus solely on external reasons. Some pollutants are man-made in order to provide short-term comfort.

Pollution is classified as a main and secondary pollutant. Primary pollutants are those that directly harm air quality and its index value. The best example of primary pollutants is vehicle and scooter exhaust fumes, dust storms, thunder strokes, and volcanic cell eruption ash. Secondary pollution results from chemical reactions and laboratory tests used to determine the quality of a particular object. A standard chemical laboratory test can be used to avoid this problem.