Write An Application To The Head Requesting Leave For Sister Pregnancy Operation In English

The Head of the Department
Media Hive
Pinkerton Street, Chennai

Subject – Application for leave for sister pregnancy operation.


With all due respect and honour, I would like to state that my sister is due the day after tomorrow i.e.17th of November. I am writing to request leave for two days, which is on the 16th and 17th, for my sister’s pregnancy operation. As much as I can, I want to give emotional support to my sister during such a time.

It is a very special moment for the family both for the family as well to receive a new life into this world. My parents as well as her parents for my presence to be there during such a time. I will be back by the 18th of November 2022 with no delay. I have requested Ma’am Ashi to do the required task and she happily accepted to do so.

I, therefore, kindly request you to grant me my leave for which I shall remain forever grateful.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,
Adams Mark A
Media Hive
Pinkerton Street, Chennai