Write A Leave Letter To Class Teacher For A Family Function In English

Ms Revati Sharma
Class Teacher, 8th B
City Government School

This is Arun F of your class 8th B. I am writing to explain why I was absent on the 3rd and 4th of this month. Me and my family had to travel to our native place in Delhi to attend a family function. It was an unexpected event that was difficult to avoid, and I couldnโ€™t ask for early leave.

I respectfully request that you accept this as my leave letter and allow me to attend classes beginning today, that is, on the 7th. I promise you that I will cover all the lessons taught on my day of absence and clear all my doubts regarding the subjects. I will also make sure that all my notes are complete.

I am ready to submit a letter written and signed by my parents as well.

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read my letter.

Yours faithfully
Arun F