Television Essay in English

One of the wonders of modern Science, television indicates an astounding progress. It stands, perhaps, next to atomic energy and spaceflight in importance, as the miracle of human inventive powers. It exhibits how man different directions.

The science of television is highly sophisticated and based on a delicate System of filming and recording, Its working does not consist in storing or recording an image. It is rather seeing by remote control. It achieves two things together-sight and sound.

Man is always capable of seeing as far as the horizon. He is thus, in the full command of sight and sound. But television enables him to advance one more step to enjoy at once sight and sound together. It performs the double task to bring together immediate vision and sound.

It is here surely an improvement upon cinema as well as broadcasting. Television has conquered space for human eyes. Man is allowed to watch, act and hear and enjoy the world beyond the horizon of his vision with the aid of television. This is certainly indicative of a great revolution in the science of human communications.

Knowledge and education have in fact, greater avenues for expansion through television. Television is being used by educational fora for disseminating knowledge. The U.G.C And I.G.N.O.U programmes on T.V. provide crores of viewers free education to enhance and update skills and knowledge.

The thrill of the film and the reality of broadcasting are made realizable at the same time, by this very invention of modern science. Many people are today much spared of trouble and labour by it. They need not rush to see a cricket test or the tennis stars in action.

Television brings the same before their very vision with the full realism of excitement and suspense. They do not stir out, yet enjoy, without any interruption (unless there is any power-cut), the thrill of the field or of the indoor stadium.

The television programme may include a film-show, a theatrical or jatra performance musical soiree and many other items. All this programme can be enjoyed free from the nuisance of the crowd and the noise, freely from oneโ€™s cosy drawing room.

Of course, there is also the wrong side of this gift of modern science, as of any other scientific invention. Television encourages indirect isolation and idleness. It may lead a family to remain aloof from the living hum of the World outside. This is a tendency which may ultimately prove harmful to manโ€™s social instinct.

Again, television, like cinema, has unfortunate effects on health, particularly on manโ€™s eyesight. Long hour near a television set, found commonly in advanced countries, is a bad symptom for the body as well as the mind.

The growing popularity of the TV may affect the economy of the film world in particular. People may feel less inclined to visit cinema houses if they gather enough recreation from the screen of their television.

Science has ever brought problems along with benefits. Television, too, has brought problems in economic and social life in the modern age in diverse ways. Nevertheless, it constitutes a great step forward to achieve universal knowledge and understanding and to realize the harmony of the living world.

The live coverage of Parliament in session since 1992 has a brought about a new dimension to our democratic process. Millions of voters watch how their representatives behave in Parliament and make their assessment of the conduct of various MPs.

For fear of being exposed, the MP compelled to behave in a responsible manner. T.V. plays a vital role in strengthening our democracy. Presentation of nude and violent scenes should be checked.

There should be no room for sensationalism and distorted reportage. Dispassionate role by T.V will greatly help in creating a healthy atmosphere.