Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Critical Analysis

The last stanza of โ€˜Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Eveningโ€™ has probably the most referred lines of Robert Frost. Written in 1922, its enduring popularity owes to the poemโ€™s capacity to transcend beyond its literal subject into the realm of philosophical contemplation. The multiple interpretations of the poem are possible due to the clean โ€ฆ Read more

Birches by Robert Frost Summary

Introduction โ€˜Birchesโ€™ is a poem written by the American poet Robert Frost. Frostโ€™s capacity to bring the philosophy of life into common realism is best displayed by this poem. Largely influenced by the modernist stances of WB Yeats and Thomas Hardy, Frost can show how a human reacts to the universality of Nature especially in โ€ฆ Read more

The Road Not Taken Analysis by Robert Frost

Among all the works of Robert Frost, โ€˜The Road Not Takenโ€™ is probably the most widely known poem. It was first published in his collection โ€œMountain Intervalโ€. Seemingly easy but this poem is also the most misread poem of Frost. Frost warned about this poem that โ€œyou have to be careful of that one. It โ€ฆ Read more

Dust of Snow Summary by Robert Frost

Introduction The 8 lines short poem Dust of Snow written by Robert Frost is about the poetโ€™s optimism and his message to the readers about finding something positive in the negative things. The poem has been divided into two stanzas having 4 lines each. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABAB. There is a โ€ฆ Read more