Advice to a Teenage Daughter Poem by Isobel Thrilling Summary, Notes and Line by Line Explanation in English

Introduction “Advice to a Teenage Daughter” is a poem written by Isobel Thrilling. The poem is an instructive poem. It talks about the trails in love that a person goes through. The poem also talks about the complexities that one faces in their life. The poet warns her teenage daughter to think before waging the … Read more

Advice to a Teenage Daughter Poem by Isobel Thrilling Summary, Notes and Line by Line Explanation in English

Introduction “Advice to a Teenage Daughter” is a poem written by Isobel Thrilling. The poem is an instructive poem. It talks about the trails in love that a person goes through. The poem also talks about the complexities that one faces in their life. The poet warns her teenage daughter to think before waging the … Read more