The Best Investment I Ever Made Lesson Summary and Explanation in English Class 10th


The lesson “The best investment I ever made “written by A.J Cronin, narrates one of the incidents from the author’s early life as a doctor in London. Dr. A.J Cronin was returning from New York when he noticed one of his companions continuously watching him. He initially ignored him since he wanted to take a nap and avoid any embarrassing shipboard encounters.

Dr. Cronin quickly noticed that the man wanted to approach him but was uncomfortable. The following forenoon, Dr. Cronin noticed that the man was looking at him earnestly once more. This time he was accompanied by a lady, his wife. They were Mr. and Mrs. John from a London suburb, according to Dr. Cronin’s flight attendant.

The man approached Dr. Cronin on the final day of the journey, urged by his wife, and introduced himself. He handed Dr. Cronin his business card and asked whether he recognised him. The man added that he and his wife had been in the field of social work for fifteen years and that they had travelled to New York to learn more about charitable work. Despite a brief conversation, Dr.Cronin was unable to recall the latter. Then the man said something to Dr. Cronin that caused him to remember an incident which happened twenty-five years ago.

The flashback

He recalled a horrible event that occurred 25 years ago. Once a police sergeant approached Dr. Cronin and requested him to attend a suicide case. After the investigation, Cronin examined that the condition of the young man was very pathetic as he tried to commit suicide. After an hour’s hard work with the help of the sergeant and the landlady of the lodge, Dr. Cronin could bring him back to life.

The best Investment

On questioning about the situation, the man informed that his name was John, and he was an orphan. His uncle found him a job in the town, but he began to lead a loose life by gambling to earn money for pleasures of life. In this way he lost everything and stole some money from his office. Being afraid of the prosecution, in great despair and anguish, he resolved to end his life.

After listening to John’s story, Dr. Cronin decided to help him by giving him seven pounds and ten shilling to put back in the office safe and begin a fresh life. For John, it was like a second life. He determined to change his life and to make a new beginning. The young man was now a successful social worker.

Dr. Cronin understood that his small investment had paid off. Dr. Cronin realised that his small investment had turned out to be the best decision he had ever made despite the fact that it had not resulted in any monetary gain, but it gave him immense pleasure.