Introduction to Active Voice

Active voice is very easy to understand and is a more direct form of expression than Passive voice. A complete sentence must contain a subject and object. And when the subject of a sentence is on main focus, the sentence is in Active voice. In Active voice it is the subject that does the action.ย 

Active voice follows the basic construction of sentence โ€“ย 

Subject + Verb + Object.ย 

e.g. Rohit is writing a letter.ย 

In the above example we can see the sentence is following the basic structure.

โ€˜Rohitโ€™ is the subject. โ€˜Writeโ€™ is the main verb. And Rohit is writing โ€˜a letterโ€™. So the letter is the object. The sentence is in present continuous tense.ย 

Examples of Active Voice

Letโ€™s see other examples of Active voice. Try to notice the subject, verb and object of the sentences and also in which tense the sentences are in.ย 

The doctor operated on the patient.ย 
  • โ€˜The doctorโ€™- subject
  • โ€˜operatedโ€™ โ€“ verb,
  • โ€˜the patientโ€™ โ€“ object.
  • The sentence is in simple past tense.

Rabi have cooked meat for dinner.ย 
  • โ€˜Rabiโ€™ โ€“ subject,
  • โ€˜cookโ€™ โ€“ main verb,
  • โ€˜meat for dinnerโ€™ โ€“ object
  • The sentence is in present perfect.ย 
I drew this portrait.ย 
  • Here โ€˜Iโ€™ is the subject,
  • โ€˜drewโ€™ is verb and
  • โ€˜this portraitโ€™ is object.ย 
  • The sentence is in simple past tense.ย 
Mother had bought a bag.
  • โ€˜Motherโ€™- subject,
  • โ€˜boughtโ€™ โ€“ main verb,
  • โ€˜a bagโ€™- object.ย 
  • The sentence is in past perfect.ย 

This sentences can be converted into passive voice following the rules of voice.ย