Essay on A Rainy Day

One day in July, I got up early and saw that the sky was overcast with thick black clouds. I felt relieved that there would be a respite from the hot weather. As I was thinking how to welcome the first shower of the season, my classmate and next-door neighbour, Tushar, came to me.

He suggested that we should welcome the rains in the open. So, we decided to go to India Gate lawns to get wet. We changed our dress to half-pants and T-shirts and put on water-proof canvas shoes Both of us took permission from our respective parents to go it began to drizzle and the cold breeze started. We decided to out. We came out of our houses.

As soon as we stepped out, walk two kilometres to the lawns. We expected the place to be deserted, but it was not so. There were many men and women of all ages. Some of them were taking a stroll. There were many children also. Some of them were playing football and some others running hither and thither.

In the meantime, drizzle changed into light rain and then into a heavy downpour. Some old men scrambled for shelter under dripping trees, But I and Tushar decided to go in for boating. We did boating for two hours. It was now 11:30 AM and both of us were hungry.

We went to one of the stalls for a cup of tea and some snacks. The owner of that stall was preparing hot โ€˜pakorasโ€™ which we ate along with tea. Then we decided to visit the zoo and take full advantage of the weather. We hired an autorickshaw and reached the z00. We bought tickets and went in. We saw monkeys jumping from one branch of a tree to another in the rains.

The big cats like lions and tigers could be seen in the open and thoroughly ving rains. The elephants were trumpeting with the job. It was 5 Oโ€™clock and the rain had stopped. We also were extremely tired. So, we hired an autorickshaw and returned me. We were extremely happy as we had passed the day in an enjoyable manner.