Essay on Makar Sankranti (Pongal)

Makar Sankranti is a festival celebrated in India which follows the movement of the sun. It is celebrated when the sun starts transforming into the zodiac of Capricorn where Capricorn means โ€˜Makarโ€™ and Transition is represented by โ€˜Sankrantiโ€™.

The festival brings upon everyone a sense of energy, enthusiasm, excitement, and love and which makes people come together and enjoy, irrespective of differences in many spheres. ย 

However, Makar Sankranti is the Northern version of the festival. In the South, the festival is called Pongal. The true essence of this festival is that people seek to shift from a materialistic life to a spiritual one.

Makar Sankranti or Pongal is all about the direction of the Sun and the way it is directing to. The festival often happens in the month of January. During this time, the climate gets improved and it is all harvesting time for Indian people.

The delicious Til-gul, the til seed and jaggery are generally made in the festival and are distributed to all the friends, relatives, and neighbors. During the festival time, people worship the Sun by dipping in the rivers.

In many of the states of India like Gujurat, people fly kites. Rangolis of different designs are painted by using different colors. There is an idea behind Makar Sankranti that the children who are born during this time are innately intelligent, well-mannered, loveable and of great nature.ย 

Hence, the festival is a festival to celebrate brotherhood, the sense of togetherness which should be kept above everything. It makes everyone forget their differences and celebrate their oneness. ย