Application to Principal for Updation and Modification of School Library

The Principal,
St. Andrews School,
Juhu Tara Road, 
Santacruz West, 
Mumbai- 400054.

Subject- Request to modify and update school library.

Respected Madam,

I study in class 9 A of your esteemed institution. I write to you as an avid reader. Our school library has a good collection of books, however, most of these books are very old and not taken care of. 

The pages are falling apart and the books are not updated versions. Certain facts have now changed and the books state otherwise. The space is also small and cannot accommodate an entire class. 

I kindly request you to look into this and improve the condition of the library so that more students get encouraged to use the space for studying. A bright and big library will also encourage students to read more and develop new hobbies.

Thank You.
Yours faithfully,
Freya Nanji
2307, Tara Apartments,
G.S Lane,
Juhu Tara Road, 
Santacruz West, 
Mumbai- 400054.