100-300 Word Paragraph On Arsenic Problem In English

We encounter a brand-new form of difficulty in our daily lives. Every day brings new forms of pollution to the environment. One of them is arsenic pollution, which seems to loom larger as a result of the day’s events. Arsenic is a metalloid compound that is frequently found in groundwater and has no flavour, no colour, and little odour.

It harms human life greatly over time. Water contains it, particularly water from tube wells. People can get different ailments by consuming water that contains arsenic. It makes people’s hands and legs sore, as well as their palms. So, we must always exercise extreme caution and be on guard against this toxin. We must always come up with an effective solution to the current issue.

They discovered residues of arsenic in some drinking water, and it is present in the soils as well. People can get different ailments by consuming water that contains arsenic. It makes people’s hands and legs sore, as well as their palms. So, we must always exercise extreme caution and be on guard against this toxin. We must always come up with an effective solution to the current issue.