1 Minute Speech on the Impact of Social Media In English

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I’ll be giving a short speech on the topic of the Impact of Social Media. 

Google defines social media to be “websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.” In today’s world, social media has come to become so much more than that. 

The impact of social media, be it positive or negative, truly lies in the hands of the wielder.

Indeed, life without Whatsapp, Instagram, and Twitter seems nearly impossible these days. In this sense, communication and knowledge of the happenings of the world are now one fingertip away, which makes social media a good impact on our lives.

At the same time, misuse of the same results in dire consequences, including cyberbullying, false rumours, peer pressure, depression, and anxiety- its negative impact thus.

Whether or not social media is a boon or a bane is up to us. Use it consciously.

Thank you. 

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