1 Minute Speech on Respect for Elders In English

A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I will be giving a short speech on the topic of ‘Respect for Elders’. 

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term ‘respect’ to be “to consider worthy of high regard.” Respect thus is something very important, especially with regard to elders. 

Now, who exactly are elders? Google declares that elders are “(of one or more out of a group of associated people) of a greater age.” That is, elders are “people who are older than one” and “a leader or senior figure in a tribe or other group.”

Simply put, elders are people who ought to be given due respect, considering their age and experience. One must always be mindful to treat those elder to them respectfully and with dignity and never slight them or belittle them.

In this sense, respect for elders becomes qualified as a good manner. Right from a young age, children must be taught to be respectful towards elders and be polite towards them. 

Thank you.