Write An Application To The Manager For The Position Of Bursar In English

The Manager
Biotime Finances,
300 Lane,
Malviya Nagar
New Delhi.

Subject:- Application for the position of Bursar.

Respected Sir,
Most humbly and respectfully, I am writing this application to apply for the vacancy of bursar in your firm. I have 02 years of experience in Finance and Administration field and I believe that my skills are an excellent match for this position. I also have strong communication and interpersonal skills.

I know that this job profile requires an absolute mastery of the field where no mistake can be afforded. Dear sir, I am a quick learner and well-disciplined candidate for this job. I have also attached all the documents that are required with this job application. Please allow me to serve your firm with utmost sincerety and honestly.

Thanking You
Yours Sincerely
Martand Sharma