Write An Application To The Director Requesting Leave For Mother Passed Away In English

The Director, 

Subject: Leave for Mother Passed Away 

Respected Sir, 

With regret and remorse, this is to bring to your kind notice that my mother has unfortunately passed away on 21st November, 2022 due to kidney failure. This is a great loss for the entire family. It would be difficult to do without her. There can be no replacement ever. The family had decided to organise her funeral on 22nd November, 2022 followed by a prayer service in her memory on 23rd November, 2022. The day will be spent cherishing her beautiful memories, just the way she would have wanted us to spend it. Thus I, Idika, hereby request you to grant me leave from 21st November, 2022- 23rd November, 2022. I will complete the targets assigned from home. I assure you that I will return back to work on 24th November, 2022. 

I will be really grateful to you for accepting my leave application.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely