Write An Application To Boss For Medical Check-Up Leave In English

Yash chopraBranch managerLife insurance corporation of india (LIC) Subject:- An application to boss for medical check-up leave. Dear sir/mam, With due respect i want to inform you that from the last 03-04 days i’m not feeling well due to some health issues.  I have been trying to book an appointment with the specialist and finally … Read more

Application To Complaint For Poor Telephone Connectivity

To,(Name/designation),(Address) Subject- Complaint for poor telephone connectivity. Respected Sir, I am a resident of Aries Villa, Froyd Street. I have been facing connectivity issues lately with my telephone.  Since the past 15 days, my calls end abruptly and sometimes do not connect at all. The line goes dead after just a few minutes and does … Read more

Application For Pest Control In English

To,Amar Singh,2304, Naveen Heights,Dinshaw Road,Churchgate,Mumbai- 400 002 Subject- Reply for pest control request. Dear Amar, This is a reply to your previous letter requesting pest control to be done at 2304, Naveen Heights. Indeed the infestation of roaches is a menace and hence I have scheduled for pest control for the 25th of this month … Read more

Application For Tree Removal Remission In English

To,(Name/designation),(Address) Subject- Request for tree removal. Respected Sir, I am a resident of Aries Villa, Froyd Street. I write to bring to your attention the hazards of the mango tree on our street.  The mango tree has grown old and weak and it’s enormous. Even after careful pruning, the branches fall, often damaging the cars … Read more