My Ambition in Life Essay in English

It is not an easy task to choose a profession The future of a person depends on his/her choice. A right choice means success in life, but a wrong one means failure and consequently, heartburns And the choice does not always mean a profession to amass wealth.

I shall be satisfied if I can earn about a thousand and odd rupees a month. I know this cannot provide me with a luxury of life, but I only want to serve my fellow beings. The service of man is the service of God. I draw Inspirations from Mother Teresa and Florence Nightingale.

The choice of profession depends on so many considerations. First, one is not conversant with the advantages and disadvantages of a profession. Secondly, one can ill afford to choose a costly career. Thirdly, one lacks the necessary preparation for successful professions.

However, I have examined the claims of several professions very carefully. I dislike government service because it has ceased to be paying and respectable. One has to work hard and there is no independence. Also, it has no consideration.

Provincialism prevails and whosoever can please his officers gets promotion Nor does it do any good doing a giantโ€™s work for a poor salary. Other occupations are overcrowded. Law has no appeal for me because it serves no useful purpose and there is no honesty in it. I do not want to be a teacher.

There is keen competition in trade and commerce. It also requires a lot of capital which do not have. Moreover, if it fails, one may have nothing left to fall back upon It is my ambition to do something for the welfare of society. The practice of medicine seems to offer me that opportunity.

I feel inclined towards it, as it is considered to be one of those few professions in which direct service to humanity is called for. I have, therefore, made up my mind to take up the medical profession. I feel that I have some aptitude for the study of medicine and I may have a bright future in the medical profession.

A doctor relieves the sufferings of mankind. He makes them live a better and healthier life This is the profession of my heart. I wish to see people, hale and hearty, smiling and happy.