Essay on Superstitions in India in English

Superstition is the belief that certain events, words or practices bring good luck or bad luck. It is the fear of what is unknown and mysterious. It cannot be explained by science or reason and is considered a blind belief.

Superstition is not restricted to a particular area, region or religion. It is a worldwide phenomenon. In every country, people have certain superstitious beliefs. For example, crossing our fingers for good luck and crossing a path by a black cat.

So many people believe in the bad luck that comes from breaking a mirror or choosing number 13. Some people also believe that passing below a ladder can bring bad luck. Others believe that carrying a rabbitโ€™s foot can bring good luck.

People also give theories or stories behind a particular superstition. Breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck. A broken mirror means broken health. It was thought that you would need seven years to recover.

Superstition is not new to us. It is there from ancient times. In ancient times people were not aware of the wonders of science. They believed in natural elements like Sun, Earth, Water, and worshipped them. They also believed in evil spirits and made sacrifices of birds and animals for them.

Over the years, Superstition has become a learned behaviour. It is practised on the basis of fear. For example, if children watch their parents or grandparents practising or following a belief, they will carry it on. This is how it moves from generation to generation without looking for logic behind it.

In todayโ€™s educated world, we should not follow any irrational beliefs. There is a need to question the beliefs and look for logic and science behind it otherwise we will be practising superstitions. Always question before you practice!