Essay on Mass Media Advantages and Disadvantages

The present age is considered as an age of information. Therefore, mass media plays an important role in people’s lives, society and the country. It is the information which aims to meet the needs of a society in a direct or indirect way.

Mass media has now become a permanent social institution as it has reach a large audience. It keeps everyone updated about what is happening around the world. It helps people spread important message, news and information very fast.

The information and message are generally based on education, entertainment, politics, advertisements, news, audio, dramas and movie etc. Hence, mass media improves people’s knowledge of history, science, literature etc.

Mass media is broadly divided into two types. One is Electronic media and the other is Print media. Electonic media like radio, recorded music, film and T.V., the internet, mobile phones provide information electronically. Print media such as newspapers, books, and pamphlets, signboards, and display boards are also informative for everyone.

Overuse and misuse of anything could harm everyone. Sometimes, it can spread false information about people and any incident which can be very harmful. Cyberbullying is one of the disadvantages of mass media. People may also spread rumours about people who can really hurt others.

Media may also distract someone from studying. It can also distract someone from working and spending time with their family and friends. It can sometimes hurt the sentiment of people.

Therefore, mass media should be used carefully. People should not believe everything they see or hear. Many time news are fake which common people belive is correct.

With the rise in social media where everyone is a communicator, they share the news with the world which has not passed through proper checks and balance of ethics of journalism. This news they share are fake it has led to the killing of people in various cities in India in recent time.

Now various agencies come up with fact check which expose the news. Thus, using it in a wise manner can really be beneficial for the whole society.

Question on Mass Media

What is mass media in easy words?

Mass media means the technology to reach a mass audience. It include broadcasting and narrowcasting which reaches people through T.V. News Paper, Radio etc.

What is local media?

Media which broadcast local news, entertainment etc.

What are the 3 types of media?

The print, broadcast and Internet media.

What are the disadvantages of media?

Overuse and misuse of anything could harm everyone. Sometimes, it can spread false information about people and any incident which can be very harmful. Cyberbullying is one of the disadvantages of mass media. People may also spread rumours about people who can really hurt others.