5 lines on Mother Teresa in English

Mother Teresa was born in Macedonia in 1910. Her real name is Anjezë Gonxhe  Bojaxhiu. She came to India in 1929.  She is famous as Saint Teresa of Calcutta  She set up a Missionary of charity in Kolkata. Nirmal Hriday home for destitute.   She won the Nobel peace prize in the year 1979 for her work. … Read more

5 lines on Swami Vivekananda in English

Vivekananda was born in 1863 in Kolkata. He was born as Narendra Datta. He was Hindu monk and chief disciple of Ramakrishna Paramhansa.  His birthday is celebrated as a world youth day. He attended the parliament of world religion in Chicago. He founded Ramakrishna Mission in 1897 in Kolkata. Play Quiz on Swami Vivekananda

5 lines on Rani Lakshmi Bai in English

Rani Lakshmi Bai was the queen of Jhansi and one of the heroes of the 1857 revolution.  She was born as Manikarnika Tambe aka Manu. She was educated at home and knew horse riding, sword fighting etc. She was married to King  Gangadhar Rao Newalkar of Jhansi. British annexed her state after the death of … Read more

5 lines on Discipline in English

Discipline in student life and professional life play an important role in achieving their goal.   Punctuality is a sign of discipline. It helps to improve our manner, habits and build character.   Self-discipline is important for an individual to be successful in life.  Parents, family, school, colleges etc help us to develop a strong sense of … Read more

5 lines on Jawaharlal Nehru in English

Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India. He was born in Allahabad. His father’s name was Motilal Nehru and mother’s name was Swaruprani Thussu. His birthday 14 November is celebrated as Children’s day. Nehru gave his famous  Tryst with Destination on midnight of 14-15 August in 1947. Indra Gandhi was his daughter who … Read more

5 lines on Sparrow

Sparrow is a small bird also known as Gaurya Sparrow colour is brown, grey, white and black They live in flocks. They eat insects, seeds, fruits etc Sparrow makes their nest on trees, building bushes etc.

5 Lines on Latitude

Latitude is an imaginary line on Earth. They are also known as Parallel line as they are parallel to each other. The Equator is the longest Latitude on Earth. Artic circle and Antarctic circle are latitude.  Latitude above the equator are called North latitude and below the equator are called Southern Latitude.

5 Lines on Ram Navami

Ram Navami is an important festival of people belonging to the faith of Hinduism. It is believed that on this day, Shri Ram was born. The festival is celebrated with great pomp and shows across India by Hindus. On this day, people clean and decorate their homes. Various Pujas take place at temples as well … Read more

5 Lines on Qutub Minar in English

Qutub Minar is a 72.5 metres beautiful minaret having 5 stories. It is located in Mehruli, Delhi.   It’s basement was built in 1193 by Slave Dynasty Ruler Qutub-ud-din Aibak to mark his victory over Rajput Kingdom. It was named after famous saint Qutub-ud-din Bakhtyar Kaki (R.A.). The structure of Qutub Minar is made up of … Read more

5 Lines on Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a vegetable which is eaten by humans in many countries of the world. It has big round white flowers which are white in colour. This flower is edible part i.e. it is eaten is vegetable by humans It is very tasty and liked by most people. It keeps us healthy and fit. Its … Read more