3 Minute Speech on Hard work vs Smart work in English for Students

Good Morning everyone, Today I am going to share my views on the topic “Hard work vs smart work”.

Hard work is putting in long, arduous hours to complete a task or tasks. Smart work is defined as the ability to execute one or more activities effectively and efficiently while controlling both time and quality. Using the traditional method to complete any task without looking for more creative ways to do so.

The difference between hard work and smart work is how much time you spend completing tasks. Hard work tends to be when someone spends a great amount of time completing many things. However, smart work is when they spend less time and instead focus on completing the right things.

Using smart work and hard work together will help you achieve your goals faster. Hard work is important because it helps you focus, but smart work will also help you save energy and time. Smart work will help you focus on a specific task, while hard work allows you to focus on the more important details of the process.

Thank you.