2 Minute Speech On Patriotism In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about Patriotism. A definition of patriotism can be the willingness to give your life in the service of one’s country. Patriots are those who support their nation and are willing to protect it from enemies. A sincere patriot is regarded as the foundation of the country.

A nation’s development depends on patriotism. A person’s patriotism is put to the test during crucial moments like the rapid onset of a pandemic, a war, national emergencies, and times of calamity.

Patriotism is best demonstrated by freedom fighters. All that our freedom fighters sought throughout the fight for independence was freedom from British rule and united they succeeded.

One does not become a patriot by displaying affection for the nation simply on Independence Day and Republic Day and writing about it on social media. A patriot will always make a quiet contribution to the nation’s advancement. Instead of sharing it on social media, a patriot will be ready to assist his fellow Indians anytime they are in need.

I’d want to end this speech by urging everyone to act in harmony and unity. We can only be the ladder that advances the development of our nation by supporting one another. As I have stated, patriotism is essential for the development of the nation. On the other side, a patriot might be someone who approaches their work with a passion that promotes the growth of the nation. Jai Hind and thank you.