1 Minute Speech on Things I Learned In Lockdown In English

A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I will be giving a short speech on the topic of “Things I learned in Lockdown”.

The Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown provided all of us with a lot of time on our hands without the stress of travelling to jobs and educational institutions and being cooped up in our homes! Naturally, like everyone else, I was seized to experiment with new things out of boredom, which in turn made me learn things I didn’t think I would learn before!

Perhaps the first thing I dabbled with was cooking, which had never interested me previously. Youtube served to be an amazing teacher and I tried out some simple yet delicious dishes. They came out well and I was complimented much!

Then, I learned to play my mother’s keyboard, courtesy of Youtube again. I am no professional but I can play some simple tunes which in itself makes me happy, all thanks to lockdown!

Thank you.