
In this article will discuss Retraction in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.

At dusk when everybody has told the tale, the narrator appreciates everyone. He asks people to thank Jesus Christ if they like anything that they read, and leave to his ignorance if there’s anything that they dislike.

He requests everybody to pray for the forgiveness of his sin to Christ. He asks for forgiveness for the faults in his translations of, the book of Fame, the book of the twenty-five ladies, the book of Troilus, the book of the Parliament of Birds, the book of the Duchess, and the tales of Canterbury.

The narrator, however, thanks to Jesus Christ for his translation of Boece and the books of saints’ legends hoping that Jesus would have mercy on him and would grant hi forgiveness which would make him stand among those who would be saved on the day of judgment.

The book ends with a prayer in Latin.