1 Minute Speech On Father In English

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I’ll be giving a small speech on the topic ‘father’.

“I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much”, said Hedy Lamarr, a famous American actress. This is a sentiment that is shared by many. 

A father plays a crucial role in a child’s life. Studies point out that most children who have a good relationship with their fathers, whose fathers take care and interest in their affairs grow up to become healthy individuals with good self-esteem and a positive attitude. Meanwhile, this is not so for children with absent fathers.

It is observed that children whose father is either absent or negligent or controlling turn out to become mentally affected. They develop father issues and, in many cases, resort to risky activities and have trouble forming intimate relationships.

Let us all toast to the loving fathers who shower their kids with love, affection, and support!

Thank you.